Nov 25, 2019 | Artists, News, Product
Ian OrlandoSANKEN MICSCS-M1 SHOTGUNCS-1e SHOTGUNANDCOS-11D LAV Ian Orlando Booms Sanken CS-M1 Shotgun for Feature Film New 4” Short Shotgun Maneuvers and Delivers Pictured is boom operator Ian Orlando with the Sanken CS-M1 on the set of the film “Lapsis.” Learn...
May 20, 2019 | Artists, News, Product
DAVE SCHWARTZSANKEN MICSCS-3e SHOTGUNANDCOS-11D LAV Dave Schwartz Packs An Arsenal of Sanken Mics Production Sound Mixer Uses Lavaliers and Shotguns Pictured with his location rig and Sanken mics on the set of “Billions” is production sound mixer Dave Schwartz. Photo...
Feb 20, 2019 | Artists, News, Product
PRODUCTION MIXER WHIT NORRIS WORKS WITH SANKEN CS-M1 SHOTGUN AND COS-11D LAV Production Mixer Whit Norris Works with New Sanken Mics Location Sound Engineer Relies on Precision Sonic Targeting Learn more… CS-M1 Shotgun Mic Product Info COS-11D Lav Mic Product...
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